Monday, November 14, 2011


If you embrace many of the standard tips for getting better sleep, and still cannot achieve a good night's rest, there may be other issues involved. Here are some possible reasons for a poor night's sleep:
  1. Emotional stress or worry is the predominate cause of poor sleep. Get to the root of your negative stress and deal with it. Your sleep will improve.
  2. If you fall asleep soon after going to bed, but wakeup in the middle of the night and cannot go back to sleep, your subconscious mind may be telling you that there is something in your life that you need to address. Maybe it is an assignment that you need to complete or a person you need to deal with. Ask God for discernment in this area.
  3. If you go to bed, but can't fall asleep, then perhaps you may be dealing with some form of fear. It may be a fear about a matter you are facing or a person you need to confront. It may be a fear of "facing tomorrow." Look within yourself and ask God to reveal any hidden fears that you might be having.
  4. For post-menopausal women, sleep problems are a big issue. Natural herbal supplementation that has shown positive results is Black Cohosh, Sage, Dandelion Leaves and Calendula. Also supplementation with Calcium-Magnesium may prove beneficial. However, before taking any over-the-counter supplements, please check with your OB/GYN.
  5. The combination of many prescription medications can adversely affect your sleep. Consult with your doctor about your sleep issues and the possible connection with your prescription meds.
  6. Lack of regular exercise or physical activity can hinder sleep.
  7. A poor diet that includes processed carbohydrates and high-fat foods can affect your sleep.

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